Clemson Rugby Foundation

Rugby has been an integral part of the student experience at Clemson University since 1967. The men's and women's teams have represented Clemson at the highest levels of competition while student-athletes have also achieved individual player honors at the national level. The training sessions, travel experiences and memorable victories have all played a major role in the decision for many alumni and others to financially support rugby at Clemson. These on-field accomplishments and fond memories could not have been possible without the hard work of the rugby student-athletes and support of the University, CU Student Government and generous contributions by alumni, family and friends.

It is with these financial contributions that the student-athletes, playing the game today, are afforded the opportunity to achieve their goals and create their own memories.

There are a number of ways to give back to the teams. In 2007, the Clemson Rugby Foundation (CRF) was formed to organize and grow the support for rugby at Clemson University. As the student-athletes share their team goals with the CRF each year, the CRF is driven to find the most effective ways to support the players, and providing them the best Clemson Rugby experience possible.

Clemson Rugby has over 1200 men's and women's alumni who shared in the Clemson Rugby experience over the last 52 years. The CRF would like to connect with every former player and supporter, include our former rugby family in the latest accomplishments. Please visit 
Clemson Rugby Foundation and contact a member to see how YOU can help support rugby at Clemson University.

Your connections and friendships will last a lifetime and we look forward to your future support.